Meet Our Tenants: Who is OMNIA, INC.?
Chances are, you’ve never heard of Omnia, Inc. until now. That does not mean, however, their products and services haven’t impacted your life at some point, even without you being aware of it. As a matter of fact, it is safe to assume that more people have utilized Omnia, Inc.’s American made cotton products than have not.
For that reason, and for many others, The Ruthvens are honored to partner with this fine company, who is celebrating being in business for 30 years. Omnia Incorporated is primarily owned and operated by a woman. Cynthia B. Maddox serves as both the President and CEO of the cotton manufacturing company, and Lawrence A. Neu fills the roles of Vice President and COO. Together, these two ensure that Omnia, Inc. continues to make the best products available based on a firm commitment to quality and customer service.
In addition to being 100% American owned and operated, Omnia also uses nothing but 100% U.S. grown cotton to manufacture their top-notch products, which are essential to the variety of industries they serve:
- Dental
- Industrial
- Medical
- Retail
- Veterinary
In order to meet the cotton needs of these different fields, Omnia is dedicated to offering versatility and customization. As a result of this ongoing commitment to research and development, the company currently produces:
- ABD Pads
- ABD Rolls
- Carded Cotton Rolls
- Cotton Balls
- Cotton Dental Rolls
- Cotton Rounds
- Cotton Squares
- Gauze Sponges
- Half Pound Rolls
- Packing Rolls
- Pound Rolls
Based on the many different products that Omnia, Inc. specializes in, along with the high volume of cotton that is cleaned and processed on daily basis, their Ruthvens commercial warehouse is not that big, but it certainly is efficient and productive. Omnia, Inc. is required to abide by government regulations and codes, but the company standards are what truly set the bar for their success, through “Quality Products and Friendly, Courteous Service”.