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Walls going up at 5300 Gateway Blvd.

Posted by The Ruthvens on January 27, 2016

The walls are going up! The process of putting the tilt wall panels in place started yesterday. Each of the 8-10 ton panels for the building has to be raised off the ground by a crane and put in the proper place. The Folsom construction crew has to precisely place each panel so that they all fit together. It is like putting together a giant jig saw puzzle. Tuesday, 17 panels were raised, placed and braced.  There will be a total of 56 tilt wall panels once the building is finished. The crane you see in the pictures is a 250-ton crane! It’s a fascinating to watch the progress! We will post updates here.

1st wall up Construction crane Crane is ready Folsom crew Across the building - walls Panels, side view tilt panel two

Panels up!Ruthvens with hardhats Panel in place

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